40°40’53”N 16°32’08”E


40°40’53”N 16°32’08”E


40°40’53”N 16°32’08”E


40°40’53”N 16°32’08”E


Space2Sea – S2S

CUP or other identifier: F89J23001260007
PR FESR 2021-2027 – Lazio Region – Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3)
Measure or action: Competitive repositioning CSR
Project start date: November 2023
Project completion date: May 2025
Overall project duration: 18 months
Total eligible project expenditure: 1.040.630,11 €
Expenditure admitted to Digimat: 426.014,00 €


The project

The “Space2Sea – S2S” project, for the “RSI competitive repositioning” tender, in reference to the “Regional Smart Specialization Strategy” (RIS3) of the Lazio Region, was aimed at the development of a platform based on satellite technologies for the provision of services aimed at protecting coastal and sea resources through the tracking of qualitative properties for their valorization and sharing.

The project therefore falls within the themes for the "5.b.-AEROSPACE" area of ​​specialization (AREA 3) and, due to the transversal implications linked to the application area, is positioned in the macro-area of ​​the "Sea Economy". The Work Packages and associated tasks envisaged by the project have as their main objective the use of Earth Observation (EO) data and other types of data, including drone acquisitions, environmental measurements, meteorological-marine data and site data specific for the development of a technological platform for the production of services for coastal monitoring both in the dune and marine areas. These services are based on EO data of different nature and scale, thus encouraging the use of the system in different areas of application relating to the valorisation and protection of the territory.

The project, therefore, generally pursues different priority development trajectories relating to the Aerospace area:

  • Development of advanced applications and services for the exploitation of OT spatial data and multi-sensor (optical, infrared, microwave, passive/active) and multi-platform (in-situ, terrestrial/marine, satellite, aerial, drones) integration methodologies ;
  • Development and use of ICT technological platforms, big data and cloud computing, algorithms based on machine and deep learning techniques, AI for applications and services (downstream);
  • Development of technologies and application platforms based on data interoperability, HPC, web sensors and web services, cloud computing, Big Data, IoT, Machine and Deep Learning (AI - Artificial Intelligence) applied to the context of OT and data fusion (not EO data, in-situ data…);
  • Development of new generation services relating to the characterization of the earth's surface (environmental control, agricultural applications, forest monitoring, ...) and the measurement of atmospheric dynamics and soil deformation);
  • Integrated space services to support risk prevention and management operations, emergencies, land management and for the dissemination of updated territorial information in near real time.


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