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Euroclusters for Thriving Creative and Cultural Industries

Aim and purpose of the financial support

The CREATHRIV-EU project aims to support CCIs SMEs through a lump-sum financial support to help SMEs implement the activities described in the project application as submitted so far.
The Project Application submitted by the CREATHRIV-EU Beneficiary and approved by the CREATHRIV-EU Evaluation Committee consists of:

Summary: The objective of the project is to develop skills to implement an intelligent analysis of process data and data that can be acquired from the ecosystem to which they belong in order to support the company's โ€œdata drivenโ€ approach aimed at improving its product/service and adapting it to changing customer needs. To maximize the benefits of the project will be identified employees of the proposing company with an adequate background, interested in the issues to be covered and capable of transferring the skills possessed to colleagues at a later time.
Starting Date: 1/06/2023 June 1st End Date: 31/10/2023 October 31st Total duration: 4 โ€“ 5 Months
And whose implementation is described in detail in Annex 1.

Use of the financial support
Financial support can be used solely to implement activities that will allow the SME, within the CCI ecosystem, with the following objectives:

  • Support their resilience;
  • Support their green and digital transition;
  • Support their uptake of innovation;
  • Support the up and re-skilling of their workforce;
  • Support their internationalisation

Amount of the financial support
The financial support is โ‚ฌ5.000,00 (five thousand euros) lumpsum.
This amount is deemed to support the CREATHRIV-EU Beneficiary in the execution of the Project to pursue the objectives as mentioned in the Article 2 of this Agreement.

The CREATHRIV-EU Beneficiaries shall provide a final report for the activity along with the respective necessary documentation depending on the grant category as described hereunder.

Small Scale projects: one report validating the work max 1 (one) month after the end of the project duration as defined in the sub-grant agreement and/or official certification of successful completion of the training requirements.

Travel grants: one overall performance report and respective documentation for the travel and/or attendance to the event and commercial negotiations. For Extra-EU travels, a partnership/trade agreement is expected as the main result.

Pilot Collaboration Projects: one overall performance report about the technical implementation of the pilot action and a short summary of the project for communication purposes.

The purpose of the above is to evaluate:

  • the degree of fulfillment of the project work plan for the relevant period and of the related deliverable(s);
  • the continued relevance of the objectives;
  • the expected potential impact in economic, competition and social terms, and the CREATHRIV-EU Beneficiary's cooperation to elaborate a dissemination of the results

The project


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